
Type and Image : The Language of Graphic Design Paperback
Type and Image : The Language of Graphic Design Paperback
저자 : Meggs, Philip B.
출판사 : Wiley
출판년 : 2010
ISBN : 9780471284925


Acknowledgments vi
Introduction viii
The Elements of Graphic Design 1 (40)
The designer's task 1 (1)
The dual life of a graphic form 2 (1)
Information and communication 3 (1)
The audience 4 (2)
The graphic signal 6 (1)
Signs and their use 6 (8)
Denotation and connotation 14 (3)
Typography 17 (2)
Images 19 (3)
Image transformation 22 (7)
Graphic support elements 29 (2)
Language as a model for graphic design 31 (10)
The Union of Word and Picture 41 (28)
The interaction of word and picture 41 (4)
The juxtaposition of type and image 45 (5)
Words within images 50 (5)
The fusion of type and image 55 (5)
Type as environmental image 60 (2)
Objective type and image 62 (2)
Visual-verbal synergy 64 (3)
Type or image alone 67 (2)
Graphic Space 69 (48)
The human factor 69 (1)
Form relationships in graphic space 70 (4)
Symmetry and asymmetry 74 (6)
Modular relationships 80 (12)
Multiple-image design 92 (2)
Field of Tension 94 (3)
Repetition and Rhythm 97 (1)
Visual continuity 98 (6)
Planes in space 104 (4)
Scale and visual hierarchy 108 (4)
Motion and implied motion 112 (3)
Unity through correspondence 115 (2)
Graphic Resonance 117 (36)
The nature of graphic resonance 117 (3)
Typographic resonance 120 (7)
Resonance and the Chinese boxes 127 (3)
Style as message 130 (10)
Support elements generate resonance 140 (4)
Resonance as expressive message 144 (9)
The Design Process 153 (35)
Problem definition 153 (1)
Information gathering 154 (1)
Idea finding 154 (5)
Solution finding 159 (1)
Implementation 160 (2)
Design process: a social-issue poster 162 (10)
Design process: an advertising campaign 172 (6)
Design process: a textbook format 178 (10)
Epilogue 188 (1)
Notes 189 (2)
Bibliography 191 (2)
Picture Credits 193 (3)
Index 196
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