
You Lost Me 양장본 Hardcover (Why Young Christians Are Leaving Church... and Rethinking Faith)
You Lost Me 양장본 Hardcover (Why Young Christians Are Leaving Church... and Rethinking Faith)
저자 : Kinnaman, David^Hawkins, Aly
출판사 : Baker Pub Group
출판년 : 2012
ISBN : 9780801013140


Is the church losing the next generation?

Millions of young Christians are disconnecting from church as they transition into adulthood. They're real people, not just statistics. And each one has a story to tell.

- "I knew from church that I couldn't believe in both science and God, so that was it. I didn't believe in God anymore."--Mike
- "When I write a song that's not used in a way that every Christian agrees on, I get hammered. What am I supposed to be using my talents for?"--Sam
- "I felt like I had been punched in the stomach . . . I remember thinking on the way home, My non-Christian friends would never do that to me."--Sarah
- "It just feels like the church's teaching on sexuality is behind the times."--Dennis
Now the bestselling coauthor of unChristian reveals the long-awaited results of a new nationwide study of 18- to 29-year-olds with a Christian background. Discover why so many are disengaging from the faith community, renew your hope for how God is at work in the next generation--and find out how you can join in.
Based on new research conducted by the Barna Group, You Lost Me exposes ways the Christian community has failed to equip young adults to live "in but not of" the world--to follow Christ in the midst of profound cultural change. This wide-ranging study debunks persistent myths about young dropouts and examines the likely consequences for young adults and for the church if we maintain the status quo.

The faith journeys of the next generation are a challenge to the established church, but they can also be a source of hope for the community of faith. Kinnaman, with the help of contributors from across the Christian spectrum, offers ideas for pastors, youth leaders, parents, and educators to pass on a vibrant, lasting faith, and ideas for young adults to find themselves in wholehearted pursuit of Christ.
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