
Anti-Judaism in Galatians? : Exegetical Studies on a Polemical Letter and on Paul’s Theology (Exegetical Studies on a Polemical Letter and on Paul’s Theology)
Anti-Judaism in Galatians? : Exegetical Studies on a Polemical Letter and on Paul’s Theology (Exegetical Studies on a Polemical Letter and on Paul’s Theology)
저자 : Bachmann, Michael
출판사 : Eerdmans
출판년 : 2021
ISBN : 9780802862914


Several modern interpretations of Paul's letter to the Galatians claim to uncover an underlying attitude of anti-Judaism. Michael Bachmann refutes those claims with his own detailed exegesis and astute examination of comparative material from the religious environment of that day, revealing instead how Paul embraces both Jews and Gentiles. Bachmann holds that, in the determination of meaning, the literary context of Galatians should be considered over historical background.
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