
Hot Topics 1 : Student Book (MP3 CD 포함) (A Culturally Specific Discussion Book)
Hot Topics 1 : Student Book (MP3 CD 포함) (A Culturally Specific Discussion Book)
출판사 : Compass Publishing
출판년 : 2011
ISBN : 9781599665948


고등고급에서 성인 학생들을 위한 책으로 2권으로 구성되었다. 각 권의 지문은 어휘의 수와 레벨에 차등화를 두어 난이도를 조절하였으며 한국에서 주로 이슈가 되는 주제들에 대하여 학생들이 듣고 읽고 써보면서 논리적인 discussion을 전개할 수 있도록 구성되었다. 각 유닛의 reading과 listening에는 효과적인 discussion을 위한 충분한 아이디어와 논거를 마련할 수 있도록 note-taking과 comprehension문제를 배치하였다. 또 동일 주제에 대해 두 가지 시각으로 생각해 볼 기회를 제공하여 보다 자유롭게 논지를 전개할 수 있도록 ...
[예스24에서 제공한 정보입니다.]

출판사 서평

저자/ 기획 의도
Hot Topics는 전 2권으로 고등고급에서 성인 학생들을 위한 책이다. 각 권의 지문은 어휘의 수와 레벨에 차등화를 두어 난이도를 조절하였으며 한국에서 주로 이슈가 되는 주제들에 대하여 학생들이 듣고 읽고 써보면서 논리적인 discussion을 전개할 수 있도록 구성되었다. 각 유닛의 reading과 listening에는 효과적인 discussion을 위한 충분한 아이디어와 논거를 마련할 수 있도록 note-taking과 comprehension문제를 배치하였다. 또 동일 주제에 대해 두 가지 시각으로 생각해 볼 기회를 제공하여 보다 자유롭게 논지를 전개할 수 있도록 구성하였다.

Hot Topics is a two-book series specifically developed for the intermediate to advanced English
language learner. The series is intended to support a discussion-style classroom and contains
some of the most current issues of interest to young Koreans. Within each unit, students will be
exposed to a variety of ideas and offered multiple opportunities for discussion. Reading and
listening passages have been designed to both engage and inform the learner.
The graded passages allow students to comfortably progress to more challenging ones as they
move from book one to book two. Exercises in the Hot Topics series provide the opportunity to
further develop students’ reading, listening, writing, and discussion skills.

· 한국 사회와 문화를 배경으로 한 토론 주제 선정
· 실생활에서 자주 쓰이는 어휘와 표현으로 이루어진 reading과 listening
· 해당 토픽에 대해 다양한 시각을 보여주는 reading과 listening
· Note-taking형식을 통해 listening skill향상
· Reading과 listening을 합쳐서 함께 요약해볼수 있는 연습문제
· 해당 토픽에 대해 심층적으로 생각해볼 수 있는 discussion과 writing문제

· Korea-specific current events to tap into learners’ individual opinions and knowledge
· Topic-based vocabulary, listening, and reading passages in each unit
· Common useful expressions incorporated in both reading and listening passages
· Note-taking exercises to support listening comprehension
· Synthesis activities to link the reading and listening passages
· Thought-provoking discussion and writing activities to extend exploration of unit topics

· Warm Up & Before You Read: 단원 학습 전 주제와 연관된 질문에 답해보고, 간략한 배경지식을 파악
· Vocabulary Preview & Vocabulary Practice: 각 유닛마다 주요 어휘의 동의어, 반의어,
문장 내 쓰임을 파악
· Listening: 해당 주제에 관련된 내용을 듣고 주어진 표를 완성하기. 정보를 듣고 분류
할 수 있는 Note-taking 능력 강화 훈련
· Reading & Comprehension: 읽을 거리를 제공하여 주제에 대한 이해력 높이기.
차트화된 Comprehension 문제로 reading과 listening의 내용을 종합적으로 정리
· Discussion: 듣고 읽은 내용을 바탕으로 주어진 질문에 대해 토론하기
· Writing: 확장된 토론, 찬반의 입장을 선택하여 논리적으로 서로의 입장을 논박하는 등 단원 심화학습을 할 수 있는 다양한 종류의 글쓰기 코너

Unit Structure
· Warm Up & Before You Read: Each unit includes two questions designed to rouse students’ interest and tap into their opinions and prior knowledge of the topic. Students are given a short introduction to each unit with a Before You Read passage providing additional insight and details relating to the topic.
· Vocabulary Preview & Vocabulary Practice: The Vocabulary Preview section offers key vocabulary found within the unit. Students can practice using the key vocabulary with alternating exercises focusing on usage as well as developing understanding of synonyms in book one and antonyms in book two.
· Listening: Learners actively participate by completing a note-taking activity as they listen to the recorded conversations, lectures, or presentations found throughout the series.
* Useful Expressions: Each listening and reading section is followed by a short list of useful expressions taken directly from that unit’s passage. The list includes meanings for each expression as used in the unit and provides students’ with additional exposure to phrases and idiomatic expressions commonly used by native English speakers.
· Reading & Comprehension: The reading passages throughout the series have been devised to present information as a continuation of the listening passage. Reading passages work to either give additional support of the arguments heard in the listening section or provide a counter-argument. The Comprehension activity operates to fuse students understanding of both the listening and reading passages. Students are asked to combine their new knowledge in order to complete the provided tables. They can then use the table as a way to visualize all elements of the unit’s general theme.
· Discussion: Two discussion questions can be found in each unit. These questions allow students to interact and talk about the themes and issues raised within each passage. Not only do these questions add an opportunity for further reflection of the issues, they allow students to develop their speaking skills.
· Writing: The writing portion of each unit in Hot Topics includes opportunities to create essays or stories, participate in interviews or debates, as well as develop additional understanding through further discussions. Students are asked to work individually or in groups to heighten their learning experiences while building their writing and speaking skills.
[교보문고에서 제공한 정보입니다.]


Hot Topics in the Classroom ················································································· 4

Unit 01 The Korean Coffee Explosion ································································ 7
Unit 02 The Pet Explosion in Korea ···································································· 13
Unit 03 Aging Population, Low Birth Rate: What’s Next for Korea? ····················· 19
Unit 04 Communicating Korean Style ······························································· 250

Unit 05 Korean Infl uence on Western Food ······················································· 31
Unit 06 Eye Surgery and Other Cosmetic Procedures ········································ 37
Unit 07 Hospitalization in Korea ······································································· 43
Unit 08 Drinking and Smoking in Korea ···························································· 49

Unit 09 Public Versus Private Education ··························································· 55
Unit 10 Overseas Education ············································································· 61
Unit 11 The Korean Push for English Education ················································· 67
Unit 12 Vocational Schools in Korea ·································································· 73

Science & Technology
Unit 13 The Rise of the Internet ········································································· 79
Unit 14 A Developed Korea ··············································································· 85
Unit 15 Mobile Texting ····················································································· 91
Unit 16 Illegal Downloads ················································································· 97

Unit 17 Traditional Korean Culture ··································································· 103
Unit 18 The Westernization of Korean Society ··················································· 109
Unit 19 Korean Nationalism ············································································· 115
Unit 20 The Uniqueness of Korean Food ···························································· 121
[교보문고에서 제공한 정보입니다.]