
Brief Emotion Focused Family Therapy: An Intervention for Parents of Children and Adolescents with Mental Health Issues
Brief Emotion Focused Family Therapy: An Intervention for Parents of Children and Adolesce...
Brief Emotion Focused Family Therapy: An Intervention for Parents of Children and Adolescents with Mental Health Issues
Material Type  
Brief Emotion Focused Family Therapy: An Intervention for Parents of Children and Adolescents with Mental Health Issues / Mirisse Foroughe ; Amanda Stillar, Laura Goldstein, Joanne Dolhanty, Eric T. Goodcase, Adele Lafrance
Publish Info  
washington : Blackwell publishing, 2019.
Material Info  
pp. 410-430
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Mirisse Foroughe
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Amanda Stillar, Laura Goldstein, Joanne Dolhanty, Eric T. Goodcase, Adele Lafrance
Host Item Entry  
Journal of marital & family therapy : 2019년 v.45 no.3
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