
Monsters and Mestizos: Mestizaje as White Supremacy and the Monsterization of Indigeneity- [electronic resource]
Monsters and Mestizos: Mestizaje as White Supremacy and the Monsterization of Indigeneity ...
Contents Info
Monsters and Mestizos: Mestizaje as White Supremacy and the Monsterization of Indigeneity- [electronic resource]
Material Type  
Date and Time of Latest Transaction  
Anzaldua, Saraliza.
Monsters and Mestizos: Mestizaje as White Supremacy and the Monsterization of Indigeneity - [electronic resource]
Publish Info  
[S.l.]: : University of California, Los Angeles., 2023
Publish Info  
Ann Arbor : : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses,, 2023
Material Info  
1 online resource(130 p.)
General Note  
Source: Dissertations Abstracts International, Volume: 84-12, Section: A.
General Note  
Advisor: Julius, Alexander Jacob.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of California, Los Angeles, 2023.
Restrictions on Access Note  
This item must not be sold to any third party vendors.
요약The concept of mestizaje as a means to understand racial mixing in so-called Latin America has a long philosophical tradition, and is still used as a means to self identity in many current communities. However, that tradition goes beyond the colonization of the Americas and can be traced back to a Greco-European tradition of thought concerned with monsters. In fact, mestizaje itself parallels the concept of 'monster' because it is rooted in a framework of white supremacy that seeks to eradicate what it perceives to be an Indigenous monster. This project has four aims. First, to provide an historical overview of mestizaje as a colonial institution. Second, to trace its roots in the tradition of monster philosophy and illuminate the way it monsterizes people. Third, to explore its latest iteration in the work of the philosopher Gloria Anzaldua and demonstrate that no amount of positive reimagining will save such a flawed conception of people. Fourth, to offer an alternative way to self-identify in a colonial capitalistic world through community relationships.
Subject Added Entry-Topical Term  
Subject Added Entry-Topical Term  
Latin American studies.
Index Term-Uncontrolled  
Community relationships
Index Term-Uncontrolled  
White supremacy
Index Term-Uncontrolled  
Racial mixing
Index Term-Uncontrolled  
Indigenous monster
Index Term-Uncontrolled  
Colonial institution
Added Entry-Corporate Name  
University of California, Los Angeles Philosophy 0651
Host Item Entry  
Dissertations Abstracts International. 84-12A.
Host Item Entry  
Dissertation Abstract International
Electronic Location and Access  
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