
Inference of Cascades and Correlated Networks- [electronic resource]
Inference of Cascades and Correlated Networks - [electronic resource]
Contents Info
Inference of Cascades and Correlated Networks- [electronic resource]
Material Type  
Date and Time of Latest Transaction  
Sridhar, Anirudh.
Inference of Cascades and Correlated Networks - [electronic resource]
Publish Info  
[S.l.]: : Princeton University., 2023
Publish Info  
Ann Arbor : : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses,, 2023
Material Info  
1 online resource(239 p.)
General Note  
Source: Dissertations Abstracts International, Volume: 84-12, Section: B.
General Note  
Advisor: Poor, H. Vincent;Racz, Miklos Z.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Princeton University, 2023.
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This item must not be sold to any third party vendors.
요약This thesis makes fundamental contributions to a few statistical inference tasks on networks, with a focus on information-theoretic characterizations. In the first part of this thesis, we study the problem of localizing a network cascade from noisy, real-time measurements of its spread (i.e., through error-prone diagnostic tests). Our objective is to design algorithms that can estimate the cascade source as fast as possible, so that the impact of the cascade on the network can be mitigated. We design estimation procedures from Bayesian and minimax perspectives. In the Bayesian setting, we propose an estimator which observes samples until the error of the Bayes-optimal estimator falls below a threshold. In the minimax setting, we devise a novel multihypothesis sequential probability ratio test (MSPRT) for source estimation. When estimating simple cascades in trees and lattices, we show that both methods are optimal, in the sense that no other algorithm can accurately estimate the source with a substantially smaller number of samples. Finally, we discuss how our methods may be extended to estimate realistic cascades in generic networks.In the second part of this thesis, we study graph matching and community recovery in networks with correlated structure. First, we derive the precise information-theoretic threshold for fully recovering the latent vertex correspondence between two edge-correlated stochastic block models - a task known as exact graph matching. We then characterize the information-theoretic landscape of community recovery in correlated stochastic block models, which requires a delicate interplay between graph matching and community recovery algorithms. In particular, we uncover and characterize a region of the parameter space where exact community recovery is possible using multiple correlated graphs, even though (1) this is information-theoretically impossible using a single graph and (2) exact graph matching is also information-theoretically impossible. In this regime, we develop a novel algorithm that carefully synthesizes community recovery and graph matching algorithms.
Subject Added Entry-Topical Term  
Subject Added Entry-Topical Term  
Applied mathematics.
Subject Added Entry-Topical Term  
Electrical engineering.
Index Term-Uncontrolled  
Community recovery
Index Term-Uncontrolled  
Graph matching
Index Term-Uncontrolled  
Hypothesis testing
Index Term-Uncontrolled  
Network cascades
Index Term-Uncontrolled  
Stochastic block model
Index Term-Uncontrolled  
Susceptible-infected process
Added Entry-Corporate Name  
Princeton University Electrical and Computer Engineering
Host Item Entry  
Dissertations Abstracts International. 84-12B.
Host Item Entry  
Dissertation Abstract International
Electronic Location and Access  
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