
Just love : a framework for Christian sexual ethics
Just love : a framework for Christian sexual ethics / Margaret A. Farley
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Just love : a framework for Christian sexual ethics
 단행본 서양서
0826410014 (hardcover : alk. paper)
241.66 F232j
Farley, Margaret A.
Just love : a framework for Christian sexual ethics / Margaret A. Farley
New York : Continuum International Pub Group, 2006
xiii, 322 p ; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
완전내용Opening the questions -- Finding the way -- Why we are here -- New maps -- Problems with the terrain -- The task -- The questions and their past -- Sex, morality, and history : theories of interpretation -- Michel Foucault : the historical constitution of desire -- Catherine MacKinnon : historical silences/gendered violence -- Evolutionary histories : sexuality and change -- Sexual ethics in the west : historical perspective -- Sexuality in antiquity : the legacy of Greece and Rome -- Judaism : sexuality, morality, and religion -- Christian traditions -- Secular paths : philosophical developments, medical influences -- From the past to the present -- Difficult crossings : diverse traditions -- Cross-cultural perspectives : importance for sexual ethics -- Possibilities of cross-cultural and interreligious awareness -- Obstacles to the search for alternative perspectives -- Colonialist research and its postcolonial critics -- The lessons of "orientalism'' -- Lessons for sexual ethics -- Pre-modern islands of the South Seas -- African cultures -- Sexuality and community -- Gender, marriage, and family -- New interpreters and critics : sustainable African sexualities -- Kamasutra : Hindu textbook on erotic love -- The world of Islam -- Diversity unlimited? -- Sexuality and its meanings -- How the body matters -- Theories of the body -- Transcendent embodiment -- Whether gender matters -- Gender theory and practice -- Christian theologies -- Biology, culture, and experience -- Biology, culture, and more experience -- Whether gender matters -- Sexuality and its meanings -- Elements in sexual experience -- Love, desire, and sexuality -- Just love and just sex : preliminary considerations -- Sexuality and justice -- Alternative frameworks -- Sources for Christian sexual ethics -- Scripture -- Tradition -- Secular disciplines of knowledge -- Contemporary experience -- Love and just love -- Moral norms for a just love -- Love and freedom -- Desire -- Framework for a sexual ethic : just sex -- Justice -- The concrete reality of persons -- Obligating features of personhood -- Norms for just sex -- Do no unjust harm -- Free consent -- Mutuality -- Equality -- Commitment -- Fruitfulness -- Social justice -- Special questions -- An ethic only for adults? -- Sexual relations with oneself -- The negative potential of sex -- Character, faith, and sexual justice -- Patterns of relationship : contexts for just love -- Marriage and family -- Historical and cultural contexts -- Christianity and its influences -- Descriptive and normative questions -- Same-sex relationships -- Theological and ethical sources -- Same-sex relationships and justice -- Sexual orientation : given or chosen -- Divorce and remarriage -- The marriage commitment : making, keeping, changing -- Divorce -- Remarriage.
Sex Religious aspects Christianity
Sexual ethics
Sex Religious aspects Catholic Church
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