
The effects of targeted vs. non-specific interventions in family therapy for teens with epilepsy and their parents
The effects of targeted vs. non-specific interventions in family therapy for teens with ep...
The effects of targeted vs. non-specific interventions in family therapy for teens with epilepsy and their parents
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Date and Time of Latest Transaction  
616.89156 C323e
The effects of targeted vs. non-specific interventions in family therapy for teens with epilepsy and their parents : by Carol Babinec Carter
Publish Info  
Indiana : Purdue University, 2000
Material Info  
125 p ; 29 cm
General Note  
UMI에서 구입한 해외박사학위논문으로 PDF파일 형태로만 이용가능합니다.
Thesis(Ph.D.) -- Purdue University, 2000.
Subject Added Entry-Corporate Name  
Purdue University. PSYC
Added Entry-Personal Name  
Carter, Carol Babinec
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