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1 낙동강 8개 보 인근 수질측정 지점의 4대강 사업 전·후 수질 변동성 분석
Comparison of Water Quality Before and After Four Major River Project for Water Monitoring Stations Located Near 8 Weirs in Nakdong Riv
2 건천화에 따른 농업용 저수지 하류하천의 수질공간특성 분석
Analysis of Water Quality Spatial Characteristics for Depleted Downstream of Agricultural Reservoir 본 연구에서는 농촌 소하
3 제주감귤과원 생력화를 위한 무인고속살포기 적용에 관한 연구
A Study on the Application of an Unmanned Speed Sprayer to Save Labor in Jeju Citrus Orchards 본 연구에서는 2.7m×2.7m 의 밀식
4 Evaluation of Physicochemical Separation Characteristics of Pig Manure According to the Type of
This study evaluated different solid-liquid separation (SLS) methods that are used to treat wastewater and manure originating from pig
5 낙동강유역 수질측정자료의 시ㆍ공간적 특성 및 수질항목간 특성 분석
Temporal and Spatial Analysis of Water Quality Data Observed from Major Water Quality Stations in Nakdonggang Watershed 본 연구에
6 QUAL2K 모형을 이용한 농업용 저수지 방류에 따른 하류하천 수질개선효과
Analysis of Downstream Water Quality Improvement by Agricultural Reservoir Release Using QUAL2K 본 연구에서는 건천화된 농촌
7 Evaluation of Physicochemical Separation Characteristics of Pig Manure According to the Type of
This study evaluated different solid-liquid separation (SLS) methods that are used to treat wastewater and manure originating from pig
8 Evaluation of Physicochemical Separation Characteristics of Pig Manure According to the Type of
This study evaluated different solid-liquid separation (SLS) methods that are used to treat wastewater and manure originating from pig
9 경사지 밭 토양유실량 저감을 위한 실트펜스와 식생밭두렁의 현장포장
A Plot Scale Soil Erosion Control Experiment for Silt Fence and Vegetated Ridge Applied Sloped Upland 본 연구는 경사지 밭에서
10 농촌소하천 건천화 실태조사를 위한 하천 수문ㆍ수질 모니터링
Rural stream monitoring for investigation of stream depletion in rural area 본 연구에서는 농촌 소하천의 적정 환경유지